Legal Investigation Registry

    Prudential Long-Term Care Insurance Investigation

    Join our registry to report your experience with Prudential's long-term care insurance premium increases.

    About This Investigation

    The Law Offices of Sean K Collins is investigating Prudential Insurance Company of America for potentially improper increases to long-term care insurance premiums. If you or a loved one experienced significant premium increases on your Prudential long-term care insurance policy, you may be affected.

    What You Should Know

    • Prudential has reportedly implemented substantial premium increases on long-term care insurance policies
    • These increases may have forced policyholders to either pay significantly higher premiums or lose their coverage
    • Some policyholders may have paid premiums for years or decades before these increases

    How It Works

    1. Register

    Sign up for the registry with your basic information and policy details.

    2. Share Your Story

    Choose to submit a written or video testimonial about your experience with premium increases.

    Your privacy and security are our top priority. Submitting this form does not create an attorney-client relationship with the firm, but we will make our best effort to keep your information confidential. All information shared will only be used for the purposes of this investigation.